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About us


Inspiring Accuracy

S taywell Healthcare Diagnostics was established in 2013 as a diagnostic center aimed at being accurate and efficient in its service delivery to clients.

In 2020 it then was given the status of a Clinic and it became Staywell Healthcare. It has remained committed to having an intense focus on the patient care with cutting edge medical technology.


Why Choose Us:


Our staff are experts in their individual fields with an added professionalism that is endearing.

Kwadwo Owusu
Ansah, MD

Gynaecologist & Obstetrician

Appointment on request

Addai, MD

Specialist Physician

Appointment per request

Ababio, MD

General Practitioner

Doctor on site 8am - 8pm. Monday to Saturday.

Phylis Ohene
Agyei, MD

Public & Occupational Health Doctor

Appointment on request

Amma Twumwa
Owusu-Ansah, MD

Specialty - Pediatrics
Subspecialty Pediatric Hematology

Appointment on request